Around the World in 84 Days
ISBN 9781894959957
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Available Now! Order now! Limited time Signed Hardback offer! Around The World in 84 Days
The Authorized Biography of
Skylab Astronaut Jerry Carr
By: David Shayler
Plus special 278 page bonus book
Around The World in 65 Days with George Griffith
By: Robert Godwin
For 84 days Jerry Carr orbited the Earth on board the American space station Skylab. As commander of Skylab 4 the third and final residency the mission set a new World endurance record of 2017 hrs 16 min which was not surpassed by the Russians until 1978 and not by another American astronaut until 1995. Had events taken a different course Carr he could have become the 16th man to walk on the moon as Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 19, but that flight was cancelled in budget cuts. Despite losing the moon Carr feels very fortunate to have commanded the longest flight in history at that time. Wernher von Braun once told Carr that Skylab 4 was his choice of a preferred mission in the development of long term space exploration. As we look at utilising the International Space Station for a return to the moon and the first human flights to Mars, the importance of Skylab 4 in the larger programme becomes apparent. This book recounts not only the story of the pioneering mission of Skylab 4 but also the personal achievements of its commander both before entering the astronaut programme and after leaving it . With the full assistance of Jerry Carr, his family and colleagues his very special journey can be shared not only aboard Skylab but in life before and after a spaceflight.
"A detailed, interesting look at a man who participated in a major, if often overlooked, space mission." The Space Review
Plus get this special 278 page bonus book
From 1893-1895 George Griffith was the most famous science ficton writer in England. His books entranced the readers of the 19th century with tales of Martians, submarines, immortality, rogue comets and even spaceships whizzing around the solar system. He invented the Countdown in 1897 and his son would become the co-inventor of the jet engine. Griffith's name became synonymous with high adventure and so in the Spring of 1894 he was recruited to follow in the mythical footsteps of Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg. In just 65 days Griffith traveled through 24 time zones and established a new world record. Now for the first time in over 100 years his story can be retold along with a lengthy biography of his many literary achievements by noted Space writer and editor, Robert Godwin. This book makes a wonderful counterpoint to Jerry Carr's remarkable story from 80 years later when it only took 90 minutes to circumnavigate the globe!
"George Griffith was one of the great 19th century sf writers, in an age before the term existed. His aerial anarchists and intrepid heroes were an inspiration to me as a boy.
"With H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, he was a great innovator and deserves a whole new modern audience. Congratulations to the publisher for bringing his work back to today's public."
Michael Moorcock