Pop ISBN 9781896522258 $17.95 Canadian $13.95 American £9.95 UK
Click on item 125 in the shopping cart to buy this book. | Pop By Dave Thompson Pop is ephemeral, pop is of the moment, but a successful pop song will stick in your mind for days, sometimes for years. Changing little with fads and fashions, pop music has always been with us, and always will be. Come take a ride through pop music history as we examine some of the most successful and celebrated pop songs and performers of the last half century. From Tommy Facenda's 1959 High School USA to 'N Sync's You Drive Me Crazy in 1998 it's all here - the songs that dominated pop music radio and the artists who performed them. Anyone who doesn't remember Tony Orlando's Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree must have been on another planet in 1973. And, love 'em or hate 'em, we all remember the Monkees. Is there anyone between the ages of 30 and 80 who doesn't recognize at least one ABBA song? Some of the most unforgettable music of all time is detailed in these pages. You hold in your hands the stories of the songs and the artists as told by veteran author Dave Thompson, complete with excerpts from his many interviews with the stars. You remember this music, we all do. This is a memory lane we can all travel together. Enjoy. |